Name: ?, IP: ? System ? °C Firmware v2.0.1


Wind / speed and direction of wind
Direction ?, ? deg
INST SPEED ? m/s ? km/h ? mph ? knots ? ft/s ? Bft
AVG SPEED ? m/s ? km/h ? mph ? knots ? ft/s ? Bft
GUST ? m/s ? km/h ? mph ? knots ? ft/s ? Bft
Pressure / atmosperic pressure
Sensor status: ?
? hPa ? kpa ? Bar ? psi ? mm Hg ? Tor ? inch Hg
Barometic altitude ? m ? km ? mile ? feet
Temperature and humidity / temperature , windchill, humidity and dew point
Sensor status: ?
Temperature ? °C ? °F ? °K ? °De ? °N ? °R
Humidity ? % ? g/m3
Windchill ? °C ? °F ? °K ? °De ? °N ? °R
Dew point ? °C ? °F ? °K ? °De ? °N ? °R
Irradiance / visibility and UV factor
Sensor status: ?
Visibility ? Lux ? W/m2
UV factor ?
Storm detector / last event time, distance and energy
Sensor status: ?
UTC date Distance Energy Lightings/day
Last event ? ? km ? ?
© IQtronic techologies Europe s.r.o.,